
Stop The Insanity!!!!

Who else is ready for this election season to be over? I'm also sick of blatent voter fraud that is happening in most of the battleground states. I was wondering when the democrats would stoop this low. Their hatred for all things right, meaning conservative and true, has taken on a whole new face.


Politics moving into the classroom

Some celebrities believe that, because they had a top ten song or won an Emmy, they are qualified to speak on issues ranging from stem cell research to the environment. More disturbing is when public school teachers try to indoctrinate our children instead of educating them. I was shown a handout given to a sixth grade class in Pulaski, NY, that was created by the teacher to gauge which presidential candidate students would endorse.
The questions on the handout had a clear liberal slant. For example, the survey said if you are "against giving minorities equal opportunities," that means you support Bush, and if you support "equal opportunities," then Kerry is your man. You also support Bush if you want to ban allowing "people from other countries to move to America," yet no distinction is made between legal and illegal immigration. I can assure you that this type of assignment is being given in many of our public schools. We as parents must remember to not only be informed voters but to educate our children as well. Singers should stick to singing and teachers should stick to teaching the three R's.

Link to the handout

Kerry's Afghan Amnesia

A really interesting and insighful article from the Washington Post

Below is just a tidbit of it...

Within days of Sept. 11, the clueless airhead president that inhabits Michael Moore's films and Tina Brown's dinner parties had done this: forced Pakistan into alliance with us, isolated the Taliban, secured military cooperation from Afghanistan's northern neighbors, and authorized a radical war plan involving just a handful of Americans on the ground, using high technology and local militias to utterly rout the Taliban.
President Bush put in place a military campaign that did in two months what everyone had said was impossible: defeat an entrenched, fanatical, ruthless regime in a territory that had forced the great British and Soviet empires into ignominious retreat. Bush followed that by creating in less than three years a fledgling pro-American democracy in a land that had no history of democratic culture and was just emerging from 25 years of civil war.
This is all barely remembered and barely noted. Most amazing of all, John Kerry has managed to transform our Afghan venture into a failure -- a botched operation in which Bush let Osama bin Laden get away because he "outsourced" bin Laden's capture to "warlords" in the battle of Tora Bora.
Outsourced? The entire Afghan war was outsourced. How does Kerry think we won it? How did Mazar-e Sharif, Kabul and Kandahar fall? Stormed by thousands of American GIs? They fell to the "warlords" we had enlisted, supported and directed. It was their militias that overran the Taliban.


I have plenty of room!!!

Texans, If Kerry Should Win--Let's Secede

Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union (please refer to the Texas-American Annexation Treaty of 1848).

We Texans love y'all, but we'll have to take action if John Kerry should win this
presidential election, over George W. Bush. And we'll miss you all, too.

Texas has given all those complainers plenty of time to get used to the results. After seeing the whiners along the campaign route, the folks from Texas are considering taking matters into our own hands.

Here's our solution:

#1--John Kerry will just have to be contented with being the President of the United States--all 49 of them.

#2--We can secede from the union and have George W. Bush as the President of the Republic of Texas.

So what does Texas have to do to survive as a Republic?

1. NASA is just south of Houston, Texas. We will control the space industry.

2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States.

3. Defense industry? We have over 65% of it. The expression ''Don't mess with Texas'' will take on a whole new meaning.

4. Oil? We can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. Yankee states? Sorry about that.

5. Natural Gas? Again, we have all we need and it's too bad about those northern states. John Kerry will figure a way to keep them warm...

6. Computer Industry? We currently lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications, with small concerns like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Semiconductor, Delphi, Nortel, Alcatel, etc. The list goes on and on.

7. Health Centers? We have the largest research centers for cancer research, the best burn centers, and the top trauma units in the world, plus other large health planning centers.

8. We have enough colleges to keep us going with UT Texas, A&M, Texas Tech, Rice, SMU, University of Houston, Abilene Christian, Baylor, UNT, Texas Women's University. Anyway, ivy grows better in the South.

9. We have a ready supply of workers. We can just open the border when we need some more.

10. We have control of the paper industry, plastics, insurance, etc.

11. In case of foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard, and the Texas Air National Guard. We don't have an army but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an army in 24 hours if we need it. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over a couple of Texas Rangers.

12. We are totally self-sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs, several types of grain, fruit, and vegetables. And let's not forget the seafood from the Gulf. And everybody down here knows how to cook them, so that they taste good. Don't need to import any food.

This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic of Texas in good shape. There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.

Now to the rest of the United States under a President Kerry: Since you won't have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Kerry will be able to drive around in his 9-miles-per-gallon SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.

You won't have any TV as the space center in Houston will cut off foreign communications. You won't have any natural gas to heat your homes, but since Mr. Kerry has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas.

Signed: The People of Texas

I have lots of money, I just need your bank account number and I will give you some!

I'm a Nigerian Spammer... HaHaHa!

You are Salatu Mustapha. Your husband was the personal assistant to Sani Abacha of Nigeria. You send proposals with due sense of humanity, responsibility, and few awareness.  You have $6.5 million to share You are being probed.  You need my help.
Which Nigerian spammer are You?


Compliments of Blogs for Bush

Thank You, President Bush

Written by guest blogger Katherine Lambert

American Liberty is the highest achievement in human history. It was and is the perpetual grand experiment that has taken a group of colonies and turned it into the most powerful nation on earth. America is a strong and unified voice for freedom in the world. American Liberty has been sustained because the construct on which it is produced is Democracy. Democracy is a Loom that weaves a cloth of strength, beauty, and unity, as unique and recognizable as the American Flag and the Society it represents. The Construct of the Loom of Democracy is simple and marvelous, designed by our forefathers for greatness from the beginning. The high beam is that of the Declaration of Independence. The ropes are the Bill of Rights strung upon the warp of the Constitution, weighted by the balancing tensions of our courts and laws. All these things stand firm as the ever moving shuttle of Self Government weaves in concordance with the powerful engine of American Free Markets. America's Military defends this Loom as it stretches from shore to shore of this nation, this Loom of Democracy uniting different, individual threads of people, cultures and ideas into the Indivisible Fabric of One Nation, Under God with Liberty and Justice for All.
We are proud of our Democracy, of our Flag and of our Freedom. To the Blame America First crowd, to the intellectual apologists, and cynical conveyors of civil unrest we who love America as patriots and citizens of the Great Melting Pot and believers in George Walker Bush, would like to speak this truth to your divisive theories. We rest upon this powerful example of our America. We as citizens of this Land of Liberty have always shared Liberty with conquered foe and friend alike. On the shores of Normandy France 60 years ago, a Frenchman once asked an American Patriot, what will the lion's share of America's victory be? And the Patriot replied, "Just a place to bury our Fallen American Soldiers." And there, on foreign soil, the American Soldiers of Courage rest in hallowed majesty. And Liberty lives there still and every year Patriots come there to remember with Everlasting Gratitude their last full measure of devotion.
Soon, very soon, another Loom of Democracy will begin its weaving to combine, Kurds, Baathist, Shites, Christians and others into their own indivisible national fabric of freedom. We believe, in our American heart, that one day when the battleground of Iraq has grown quiet in days of peaceful, secure democracy it will provide Liberty with another place to live on. Another nation will learn that the lion's share of an American Victory was not treasure or forced allegiance to the United States but a simple memorial to the American soldier fallen far from home. American Soldiers who selflessly stepped into the breach of chaos caused by Terrorism the Terrible Threat of our age and on whose strong shoulders the masses of Iraqi and Afghani people yearning to breathe free were borne to Freedom's safe embrace. It will be remembered that they reached that farther, brighter shore to join us in Freedom, under the Uplifted Light of Lady Liberty and with the Resolute Guidance of our Great and Faithful President, George Walker Bush. Americans and MidEast citizens will be thankful that such a providential man gave his full measure of devotion, steadfastness and in service of his rock solid belief in the power of the Loom of Democracy and the Value of Liberty as a Gift from God to the human condition.
Thank you, George Walker Bush.


Reagan against Kerry

This is a cool ad! It's like Reagan anticipated Kerry being on the ticket in 2004. Just another reason why Reagan was such a good president and a great American. This also reiterates how Kerry has been on the wrong side of every important issue since he was elected into the Senate.

I'm almost too shocked to type... almost

Okay, if you could see my face right now, you would have a nice few of my chin on my desk. I just can't believe the audacity that some Europeans have. Are we constantly poking our noses into their elections and making fun of those who have the freedom to choose which socialist they want to vote for? No! Charlie Booker, a writer for the British paper The Guardian, is looking for an assassination. This is unbelievable!


What Alabama and the GOP have in common...

I was watching an Alabama game (or attempting to watch an Alabama game when ESPN gameplan decided it didn't want to play) when an Alabama fan gave me an elephant bracelet to wear. Being a good republican she reminded me to make sure the elephants faced the right. I began to have visions of elephants in the wilds on Africa that could only go right. Do you think the animals of prey would catch on after awhile. That thought brought on another thought of my Nanny (no I don't have a nanny, she my Grandmother) who is a democrat, but refuses to make left turns because they are dangerous. Kinda ironic too. Speaking of democrats, there is a while line of clothing with the saying "Democrats are Jackassess".
Well I tend to agree (no offense Nanny).

The rainbow seen here appeared on my way to Texas. I saw it as a good omen!

Rainbows mean new beginnings not gay pride!

I love the rainbow. Not only is there a pot of gold at the end of it, they are such a neat aspect of God's creation. When I was growing us, rainbowbright was a staple in every girls' doll collection. Now I can't look at her without wondering if she jumped my cabbage patch kid when I younger. I want to take back the symbol. I want to celebrate new beginnings without having to wonder if others think I bat for the other team.