
God Help Us!

There is a new website where despairing, moral (I use that adjective lightly) liberals can go and spout out and prove to the red states that they too are moral. God help us if these contributors actually think that these are moral values. God help us that these people actually think the government is the vehicle for morality. Below are some of the contributions:

"Slavery is wrong. Forcing women to carry their unwanted tissue to term would enslave them for 9 months or 18 years. "

"The golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Also, Thomas Paine's statement that "My country is the world, and my religion is to do good." That said: Greed is bad. Cruelty to people or animals is bad. War is bad. Killing is bad. Stealing is bad. Deception is bad. Abuse of power is bad. Oppression is bad. The Bush administration is guilty of all these bad things, so they are very bad indeed."

"My moral values are:1. Quality public education for all. A right, not a privilege.2. A single payer health care system with coverage for all.3. The right to marry whomever once chooses.4. Denying women information about their healthcare, including contraception and abortion jeopardizes their well-being. Outlawing abortion and contraception would be a moral outrage.5. Kindness to animals. Treating the environment gently.6. Decent housing and welfare benefits for the poor. It makes no sense to not have these subsidies.7. Progressive income taxes are the most equitable form of income distribution. We pay a great deal in taxes, and we are happy to do it. It's the price of living in a civilized society.8. Income certainty and medical coverage for all seniors.9. Academic freedom, scientific research, honest intellectual exchange.10. Honesty in government."

The lack of understanding of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus are laughable. These people spout morals to help the poor and give healthcare to everyone (through the government of course) but ignore the human rights violation under Saddam and the Taliban. It's outrageous the hypocrisy streaming from the left. They have no idea what moral values are and it was obvious on November 3rd.

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