
I'm a Racist!

Perception if a funny thing. Because perception is so personal, each one of us takes things differently based on past experiences or what we think we deserve. Today I was labeled as a racist because of a comment that was perceived differently then was intended. What has the world come to when a person cannot express themselves without a another person being offended? When did political correctness begin to control our lives? As a federal employee, I have to be so careful and anticipate how someone may perceive anything and everything I may say, do, or write. How am I to do this and still perform my job? I don't know! I also want to know what happened to the concept of going to the person who "wronged" you and discussing it? Why does everyone and their equal opportunity representative have to become involved? Now time and money (your tax money) is being spent (wasted) on patching someone's pride. Here are some things that I have perceived: A woman doesn't like that another, fairly attractive woman who happens to be twice her age is a higher grade then her and therefore is making more money. Oh did I happen to mention that one is a white woman and then other is of Mexican decent (but I thought we were all Americans, silly me). We also have a person without the guts to tell me I offended her to my face, but has no problem telling her Hispanic friends (in Spanish no less) and any other person who might listen. Although she may be my parent's age, her maturity level has not risen above a high schooler's. So what can I do but be the bigger person and apologize? I will also watch my tongue as I rise up through the ranks with my masters degree and she struggles through her freshman chemistry class, again.


Anonymous said...

You raise a wonderful question - even if you are just venting. I found the discrimination conversations in my Poly Sci classes interesting because I have come to see that is it the WASP male that is probably discriminated against the most. Oh well...when we as a society makes a habit of giving away respect because of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, etc we find that no one knows how to work for it or believe that they should actually be a person who demands respect. There is no good reason to deserve anything anymore - it is given to the one who screams the loudest....

and life goes on....

Unknown said...

Beth. I couldn't agree more. In my work I go from office to office all over Nashville and I hear some of the goofiest complaints. PC has gotton so out of control.
I'm sure your no more racist than the rest of us.
What is a WASP male, anyway?