
The Beginning of Understanding

This is a very insightful article not only for us red-staters, but also for those that reside in blue states. They claim that people that voted for Bush are stupid. I guess they call anything they can't understand and have never experienced stupid. Some people may call that close-minded. Hmmm, the pot calling the kettle black, maybe!


Anonymous said...

Dear Beth,

You are pretty cute, so I will be nice. Do you really believe what that article says? Do you really believe that people in "blue states" don't turn on Fox News every day and hear conservatives yapping about how liberals hate freedom and hate America?

To be fair, your statement "the pot calling the kettle black" seems to imply that we're all hypocrites, every last one of us. I could accept that.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mitzell,

I don't know what you look like, but I will still be nice. It's encouraging to here someone owning up to liberals' hypercritism.
If "blue state" liberals turned on something else besides CNN, and MSNBC, then maybe their arguments won't consist of those ridiculous cliches repeated over and over again by their leaders.

I don't believe liberals hate America...they just hate getting the power out of the goverment's hands and into the hands of those of us "common folk" who really represent America.

warm regards from a red state Libertarian