
I'm Destined to be Single!

Seems to be, based on one British study, that the higher an IQ a man has, the easier it is to find a mate, on the flip side, the smarter a women is the harder it is to find a husband.

"For boys, there is a 35% increase in the likelihood of marriage for each
16-point rise
in IQ. For girls, there is a 40% drop for each 16-point increase."

Wow, isn't that encouraging for us females that are so lucky to be born with a higher IQ, a quicker wit. Maybe it's not because the women are smart, maybe it's because the men are shallow. Hmmmm.....

"The results may explain why a sharp-witted man like Vic Reeves, 45, the comedian, appears to have found wedded bliss with Nancy Sorrell, 30 — perhaps she is highly intelligent, but her jobs as underwear model and lap dancer have certainly enabled her to hide the fact."

Yeah, ole Vic looked far and wide for a smart girl, he just couldn't find one that would give him lap dances for free and model her underwear for him.

1 comment:

Beth said...

What, stop being so smart? I don't think I can.