
The Security of the Left

Why are Liberals in this country clinging to the broken Social Security system? What is it about this program that they think is so great? One answer may be that the Left receives power (and votes) from people being dependent on the government. Now I have a huge investment into Social Security Reform. In 41 years I will be eligible to receive my first social security check. All evidence points to this program being bankrupt by this time. That is one reason I've already started to plan for my retirement. Bush acknowledges this and is pushing for a change that will guarantee that I will see some of the money that is being taken from my paycheck. Those on the Left that know their power is being pulled away are fighting and talking out: Kennedy, the AARP, and even FDR's grandson.

The Heritage Foundation has a Social Security Calculator, based on my current pay and age I would recieve $7439 more money a month with a Personel Retirement Account than with the current system. Sounds good to me!

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